Inner Shell – Dorian Gray

Inner Shell – Dorian Gray


‘Do what you want to dream,
go where you want to go
and be what you want to be’.
The soul of a defiled men,
can never be destroyed
That is what I used to think

I am right now. Did it worth it?
I’m not sure
Do you know what it’s like to taste
your defeats and begin again?

You’ll never know the pain until you look
into the eyes of someone you love.
And now I know, I already knew the truth: My picture was like the one of Dorian Gray

Surely, not so difficult
but I’m a different man
and you don’t understand me.
I run from hell inside of my soul
that once was different and just wanna laugh again

I am right now. Did it worth it?
I’m not sure
Do you know what it’s like to taste
your defeats and begin again?

You’ll never know the pain until you look
into the eyes of someone you love.
And now I know, I already knew the truth: My picture was like the one of Dorian…

Show me your hands.
Do they have scars?
Why Do People Sin?

You’ll never know the pain until you look
into the eyes of someone you love.
And now I know, I already knew the truth:
My picture was like the one of Dorian…


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